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Schwartz LLC’s Latin America Practice is widely regarded as one of our premiere practice areas, with traditional strengths in private equity, venture capital, M&A, private client holding structures, and evolving financial technologies.

Major corporations, private equity funds and investors from Latin America as well as U.S. and global private equity funds, investment banks, corporations, entrepreneurs, family groups, and private investors with transactions in Latin America have been leveraging the depth of experience and international deal-making knowledge that Schwartz LLC offers.

Click here to download the Latin America practice brochure.

Selected Team Experience

  • Counsel to general partner of a private equity fund in a secondary private equity sale by one of its institutional limited partners to a major secondary private equity fund in connection with a team spin-out (undisclosed).
  • Counsel to Banque Heritage in connection with structuring Latin American investment banking operations (team spin-out from major investment bank).
  • Representation of TMG Capital Partners Ltd. in the structuring and formation of its US $100,000,000 Brazilian Private Equity Pledge Fund with DB Capital Partners Latin America L.P., Artal Invest Ltd., FMO and private investors.
  • Counsel to GEF Management / Global Emerging Markets Forestry Fund, L.P. in negotiating and structuring a proposed sustainable timber private equity investment in a Lusophone emerging market country.
  • Advise multiple Latin American foreign family offices as private equity real estate investors and guarantors in a $3.8 billion office tower development (acting as of counsel to another law firm), including negotiation and delivery of New York and foreign law opinions to Blackstone on $1.8 billion in mortgage and mezzanine loans.
  • Counsel to major financial investor as prospective MBO sponsor/investor in a proposed spin-off of a division of a NYSE-listed media company (undisclosed).
  • Counsel to an institutional lender in a secured export loan to the U.S. subsidiary of an Argentine manufacturer. The loan was backed by accounts receivable of a major U.S. customer and supported with credit insurance provided by Euler Hermes.
  • Counsel to a Latin American private equity fund on sale of call center business.
  • Counsel to a Latin American private equity fund on sale of private-label credit-card processing company.
  • Representation of a major private investor in the renegotiation and restructuring of $400,000,000 in principal amount of Leveraged Structured Notes Linked to various emerging market sovereign issuers sponsored by a major U.S. investment bank.
  • Representation of major South American television network and Cayman Islands subsidiary as Guarantor and Issuer, respectively, of $200,000,000 a Euro-Commercial Paper Program.
  • Advising a major infrastructure group on a potential buyout of a stake in a South American infrastructure joint venture (undisclosed).
  • Advising a U.S. proprietary trading firm on structuring its operations as a hedge fund.
  • Advising a New York Stock Exchange-listed company on Latin American legal aspects of its acquisition of a U.S. target with operations in Mexico, Brazil and Costa Rica.
  • Advising Corporación América Sudamericana S.A. in its acquisition of a stake in Aeropuertos Argentina 2000, S.A. from Covanta Energy Corporation.
  • Advising a U.S. buyout firm on a bid for the Mexican assets of a division of a Fortune 200 consumer products company in an auction managed by Lazard Frères.
  • Advising the controlling shareholder of Aeropuertos Argentina 2000 S.A. in its acquisition of a beneficial stake in the company from Ogden Corporation (Covanta Energy Corporation).
  • Advising the controlling shareholders of a major Latin American agricultural commodity firm in a private shareholder consent solicitation in connection with a proposed management buyout.
  • Advising an Argentine management group in the buyout of Argentine oil-drilling operations from a major U.S. natural resources company.
  • Advising a Colombian agro-industrial group in the acquisition of a Venezuelan feed plant operation.
  • Advising Argentine sellers in the spin-off of a courier business to United Kingdom interests.
  • Advising a Spanish paper mill on its activities in the United States including organization of a U.S. subsidiary.
  • Forming the U.S. affiliate of a Peruvian investment advisory firm.
  • Advising a BVI fund-of-funds in its delisting from the Irish Stock Exchange and updating its Information Memorandum.
  • Advising the sponsor of a BVI private fund on U.S. securities law aspects of a private offering shares to U.S. investors.
  • Advising a BVI fund on the creation of a new class of shares using the BVI’s new segregated portfolio company law.
  • Advising an offshore fund-of-funds on U.S. securities law restrictions on investments in other investment companies and publicly traded companies under Rule 12(d)(1) of the U.S. Investment Company Act and Rule 13(d) of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Act.
  • Preparation of multiple Financial Advisory Agreements, NDA’s and memoranda of understanding between a Latin American M&A advisory boutique and various bulge-bracket investment banks.
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